Joker's Manga Creator Comments on the Twisted Series

DC Comics' fans were astounded earlier this year when they learned that the Clown Prince of Crime [...]

DC Comics' fans were astounded earlier this year when they learned that the Clown Prince of Crime would be getting his own manga series, putting the Joker into a role that he has never had before as a parent to a baby Batman, and the creator of the upcoming story, Satoshi Miyagawa, took the chance to comment on this twisted new tale. With this being the first manga story that focuses primarily on the Batman villain that has easily become one of the most popular villains in the DC Comics' roster, this is definitely an insane premise that is worthy of the "Harlequin of hate".

So how exactly does Batman become a baby? Well, it seems that in an altercation with the Joker, Bruce Wayne found himself taking a swan dive into a vat of chemicals very similar to the one that created his greatest villain. Instead of gaining a white complexion, Batman is instead turned into a baby, somehow, and is now being raised by the Joker to presumably enact his ultimate revenge against the Caped Crusader and perhaps turn him into a villain by raising him as such. Needless to say, considering how insane this premise is, we don't expect a live-action movie to use this manga as its source material any time soon!

The creator of this new Joker manga, Satoshi Miyagawa, posted comments regarding the bizarre new story via his Official Twitter Account, letting fans of the clown prince of crime know that he wants them to read this new chapter and has released a sneak peek of the events that will show the DC villain as a father for the first time:

Recently, the Joker was revealed to be a father in the popular DC Comic of "Three Jokers", which revealed that the Joker's long thought dead family was actually still alive and in hiding. While this story isn't quite as surreal as Joker raising a Batman baby, it still promises big things to come for the character moving forward.

Will you be checking out this Joker manga when it lands later this year? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Joker!