Jujutsu Kaisen Epilogue Sets Up a Shocking Character's Return

Jujutsu Kaisen has everyone pressed about the possible return of... Geto?!

Jujutsu Kaisen is about to end, and with each new chapter, the series sparks more questions. Gege Akutami is slated to wrap his hit manga in less than a week's time, so expectations are high for our heroes. After taking down Sukuna, Yuji has been through a whirlwind of last-minute coups and revivals. So of course, Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 270 made everybody double take when it teased the revival of a surprising character.

And no, we're not talking about Gojo Satoru. We have no update on the Six Eyes users, but what we do have is a teaser about Geto. The man's body is back in action, so the question is how is behind the steering wheel.

(Photo: Shueisha)

Is Geto (or Kenjaku) Still Alive?

As you can see above, Jujutsu Kaisen made everybody geek out when chapter 270 checked in on Takaba. It turns out the man did survive the final fight with Sukuna, and he isn't alone. We visit Takaba while he eats a meal out with someone, and Akutami makes sure to keep the other person's face hidden. However, any Jujutsu Kaisen fan could tell the character eating with Takaba is Geto. Or at least, it is someone using Geto's body.

The body's broad frame and posture is easy to recognize, for one. Then there is also the issue with its hair. Geto was known for wearing his long locks half-up, half-down. The style was adopted by Kenjaku after the sorcerer coopted Geto's corpse, and now that hairstyle is haunting us once more. Jujutsu Kaisen went as far as to hide Geto's face with a text bubble, but c'mon – Geto stands will know the man anywhere.

Given Takaba's interaction with Kenjaku during the Shinjuku Showdown arc, fans are eager to see how this aside plays out. Akutami could be trolling fans with a Geto lookalike, but Jujutsu Kaisen is pretty purposeful with its teasers. Whether Geto has returned to life or Kenjaku managed a final hijack, we will find out soon enough. Jujutsu Kaisen has one chapter left to go, and this thread is too integral to leave loose.

Jujutsu Kaisen Will End in One Chapter

For those eager to check out Jujutsu Kaisen's ending, the series will close on September 30. Akutami has been working hard on the final chapter, and the manga's epilogue has given fans a good bit of resolution. From Megumi's return to the end of the New Shadow Style School, jujutsu society is in flux. The defeat of Sukuna has ushered in a new era that Yuji will help lead. But still, there are several things Jujutsu Kaisen has yet to tackle.

The biggest question mark is Gojo Satoru, of course. The sorcerer is the most popular character in Jujutsu Kaisen, and it has been over a year since his death against Sukuna. Given the epilogue's recent revivals, fans are hopeful Akutami finds a way to bring Gojo back to life even if it takes a Binding Vow. The sorcerer has yet to come up in discussion, and the clock is ticking on his return. Jujutsu Kaisen will end in a week's time and who knows? Maybe his return will come complete with Geto's own revival?

What do you think about this Jujutsu Kaisen update? Are you excited to see how the manga wraps things up with its final chapter? Give me a shout at @meganwpeters with your take! You can also let us know what you think over on X (Twitter) and Instagram.