Last year, Kyoto Animation suffered a terrible incident when an arsonist had taken the lives of dozens of animators, causing an outpouring of support for the legendary animation studio, and locals within the vicinity of the company have begun honoring one of those lost in the event by sporting their art work. Yuki Amora was one of the animators of Kyoto who had passed as a result of the arson incident, with locals putting his previous art work on display via an amazing reconfiguring of a corn field that translated his previous work.
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Yuki Amora had always been artist it seems, creating a picture book during his time at university that set up an adventure using some amazing art to do so. With locals honoring his work by translating the final image in the picture book onto the rice field, the display will be made available for fans to take in until August of this year, truly showing what the deceased artist could do and why he was a worthy addition to Kyoto Animation.
Following the arson incident, fans around the world rallied behind the animation studio, showing their spiritual support as well as financial backing through campaigns that were shared the world over via social media. With hashtags such as #KyotoAniStrong, the animation studio will never get back the talent they lost, but Kyoto is definitely doing its best to bring back the projects it had previously worked on. Though some projects had obiously been delayd, and delayed further thanks in part to the coronavirus pandemic, fans’ support of the studio continues!
Originally started in 1981, Kyoto Animation Studio has become known worldwide for its work on creating popular anime television series such as K-On!, Free!, Full Metal Panic, and more. It has also created a number of animated films such as A Silent Voice, K-On! The Movie, and Free! Take Your Marks to name a few. Noted as the “first successful animation studio outside of Tokyo”, Kyoto Animation has a long history within the industry and we hope that its history will continue into the future. With a quote reported in the NHK article as “Kyoto Animation having an indelible impact on Japan’s Animation industry”, the studio must be respected for its contributions to the medium. will continue to provide updates on the situation as they are released. Our thoughts are with everyone affected by this tragedy.