Monarch: Legacy of Monsters Episode 7 Recap With Spoilers

May's past is explored as some major kaiju secrets come to light thanks to her past employment.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters saw the return of Godzilla in its previous episode, as Cate and Kentaro are still trying to find their father. Thanks to Lee and Michelle forging a new alliance, Monarch is looking to be in serious trouble. The seventh episode of Monarch not only takes the chance to examine the fallout, but further explores May's life and hints at some major new players in the final episodes of the kaiju series. 

Warning. If you have yet to watch episode 7 of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, be forewarned that we'll be diving into spoiler territory. 


Our episode begins with the fallout of Godzilla's re-awakening from beneath the Earth's surface, as we witness Tim doing the same, having escaped the helicopter crash caused by the king of the monsters. The scene shifts to Tindouf, Algeria as Cate and Kentaro try to figure out what their father was hoping to accomplish. While May is still tagging along with Kentaro and Cate, she's apparently been keeping her distance as she finds herself trying to keep things together in a nearby restroom. Two mysterious men enter the restroom as May hilariously asks them how being kidnapped works since this is her first time.

Cate goes looking for May, apologizing for telling her former friend to "go to hell". Cate finds May's passport and phone, informing Kentaro of her disappearance. Tim appears at the airport in front of the half-siblings, imploring that the pair goes easy on him as he has had a "very weird day". Cate believes that Tim was in on the deal that Michelle and May had struck, as the Monarch agent states that the two aren't always on the same page. Tim proceeds to break down his love of Monarch, shocked at the fact that Hiroshi was in proximity to Godzilla's re-awakening, stating that Cate and Kentaro's father is attempting to stop another G-Day from happening.

Tim is called by his higher-ups at Monarch, informing them that he was the only member of his squad to survive Godzilla's return, shocking the heads of the secret organization. The Monarch agent chastizes his boss, backing Cate and Kentaro, with the secret agents confirming that they weren't the ones to kidnap May. We travel to a Monarch outpost in Alaska, wherein Dr. Barnes studying the gamma rays that have been apparent since Godzilla's return.

Monarch Civil War

In a shocking twist, Lee Shaw and Michelle enter the outpost and say that they are overtaking the establishment. Shaw offers the agents a choice to "stand on the right side of history" as Barnes attempts to make an escape since she was in the bathroom when Shaw and Michelle worked on their hostile takeover. Back to the son and daughter of Hiroshi, Tim talks his past relationship with Hiroshi, telling Cate and Kentaro about his past. The Monarch agent drops a bombshell that not only has May been using a fake passport, but her real name isn't even May, it's Korra.

Barnes manages to call her higher-ups, informing them of Shaw and Michelle's arrival at Outpost 88. After seeing a warehouse full of explosives, Lee informs Michelle that they'll be taking all of it. Meanwhile, in Seattle, Washington, Cate, Kentaro, and Tim arrive at "May's" original homestead. The three meet May's family, with Tim hilariously stating that they know Korra from an "online manga group". While May's mother buys their story, her sister is far more suspicious, grilling the three on what manga May likes.

Hilariously, Tim states that Korra is a big fan of Dragon Ball's Akira Toriyama, which Korra's sister is quite suspicious of. Korra's mother informs the trio that it has been two years since her daughter was at home. The three come to the conclusion that Korra's sister knows more than she's letting on, deciding to tail her as she leaves the house. They manage to follow Korra's sister to a parking lot, as she threatens the trio with a tire iron. Luckily, Kentaro is able to prove that they know Korra and are aiming to help her. Korra's sister explains that Korra is in trouble with her company "Applied Experimental Technologies". 

Korra's sister states she had been in touch with "May" a few days ago, begging the trio to just bring her home. It would seem that May's captors are in fact from AET, as we jump to an office wherein Korra is in deep.  Brenda states that May cost the company millions of dollars and years of work, also stated that the company didn't call the police as they prefer to handle situations internally. 

AET's Sinister Plans

Tim, Kentaro, and Cate make their way to AET's offices, with the Monarch Agent using his organization's tech to deliver a fake warning alarm that a kaiju is on its way to empty out the building. Brenda reveals that AET is working on cybernetic lifeforms to tackle the encroaching kaiju threat, stating that Korra's friends have entered the offices. Korra's former boss then takes the opportunity to inform her that she can be let off the hook and even still be an employee of AET if she relays everything she discovers about kaiju while traveling with her friends. 

May is once again reunited with her friends, telling Cate her real name and what sent her on the run. The computer genius tells her friends that she no longer wants to be the person she was, meaning that she no longer wants to travel alongside Cate and Kentaro, seemingly in an effort to turn down AET's deal. Once the three leave the building, they are instantly snatched up by Tim's boss and Monarch agents. Cate strikes a deal with the Monarch agents that if they help them get May back, they'll help Monarch find Shaw. 

May confronts her former boss, stating that "from now on, she'll be the only one to pay for her mistakes". Thanks to a call from Monarch, May is allowed to return home, giving her a long-awaited family reunion. Tim talks with his boss and thinks that the best route moving forward is to bring the organization "out of the shadows". Following May's family reunion, she reunites with Cate and Kentaro, stating that she'll be traveling with them on their adventure.

In a surprising twist, Natalia holds a television livestream in which she reveals Monarch's existence and what the organization has been doing in the shadows. The Monarch leader takes the opportunity to apologize for the false alarm that Tim had set off, stating that giant monsters will be a constant threat but it is one that humanity will manage to endure. We pan back to Brenda, as she reveals that AET is working on Apex Cybernetics, the technology responsible for the creation of Mechagodzilla. 

Shaw returns to Alaska with his new resources and men in tow, examining the lights that are beaming up from the underground. Lee's new forces take on the icey kaiju that threatened Shaw and company earlier in the series, setting off several explosives in a bid to take it down. Following the explosions, the lights create something of a vacuum, sucking in everything around them as Lee and his followers escape. It seems that the plan worked as Lee celebrates the lights being extinguished. 


This time around, we focus on May three years prior to the current events in San Francisco. May is having dinner with a woman named Brenda, who is attempting to entice her with a job offer at her company, hoping that May will help to forge a new future with her. We travel to May, (aka Korra) and Brenda at the company AET weeks later, with the former clearly deciding to take up her on the employment offer. Unfortunately, May's first six months have been uneventful, as she complains about the lack of impact her work is having. Asking to be moved to a different area, Brenda informs her employee that she has to earn her way before "sitting at the table". 

We return to the past wherein May is attempting to celebrate a birthday but is getting a number of text messages blaming her for a variety of systems crashing at her job. In a panic, May asks her younger sister for some cash and her passport to help her "disappear". Korra had hacked her way into her employer's mainframe, discovering that the company was performing experiments on live animals.