My Hero Academia revealed the heartbreaking reaction Izuku Midoriya mother’s Inko had to his Dark Deku transformation! The Final Act of the series began with Izuku Midoriya telling his former 1-A classmates about his One For All secret before heading out into the world to fight the villains on his own, and fans have seen how Deku’s body began to fall into ruin as he pushed himself purely on instinct. But one of the biggest questions surrounding the last few chapters is how not only the public sees him, but how he’ll be seen by his mother who had yet to see his decrepit state.
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Public opinion of the young hero has soured due to the secrets and rumors surrounding One For All have begun making their way out to them, and thus Izuku has become the target of ire. But unfortunately, the one who’s heart is breaking the most from all of this is Izuku’s mother, Inko, who finally reunited with her son in the newest chapter and tearfully breaks down over what has happened to her child since they last met.

Chapter 323 of the series continues from after Ochaco and the others brought Izuku to U.A. and it’s revealed that Izuku’s mother is one of the people that have taken refuge at the school. She wants to run to his side immediately, but is held back by Bakugo’s mother as it’s clearly too dangerous of a situation for the moment. The crowd begins turning on Izuku even more as they try and push him out, but Ochaco makes a stand and gets them to truly look at how hurt Izuku really is.
She tells them about how much pain and damage he’s gone through so far, and wants them to really look at him. It’s here we see how Izuku’s mother reacts to Deku’s damaged body, and she gets a good look at how much his costume has been worn down and dirtied through how much he’s been fighting. It’s the exact thing she’s been afraid of this entire time ever since he started training to become a hero, and now seeing her worst fears come to pass must be truly disheartening.
We’ve yet to see the two of them reconnect following this Dark Deku transition, and Inko has yet to learn Izuku’s One For All secret, so now it begs the question of how she’ll react to that. But what do you think? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!