My Hero Academia Sets Up Izuku's New Strategy for One For All

My Hero Academia set up Izuku Midoriya's new strategy for One For All growth in the newest chapter [...]

My Hero Academia set up Izuku Midoriya's new strategy for One For All growth in the newest chapter of the series! Kohei Horikoshi's original manga series has officially kicked off its final act, and with it came some major changes for our lead hero in training. The series has begun making its way through a new status quo in a world that's much different for the heroes and villains. Announcing his One For All secret to his classmates and leaving U.A. Academy, now Izuku Midoriya is fighting all on his own to strengthen his use of that power.

The newest chapter of the series picks right up after Izuku Midoriya revealed his new self, and it seems that this is a result of his new mastery of One For All's power. After having that fateful conversation with the previous vestiges, Izuku has not only unlocked the use of those abilities but now has to even fight in a much different way than ever before.

My Hero Academia Izuku One For All New Strategy Spoilers
(Photo: Shueisha)

Chapter 308 of the series revealed that not only does Izuku have access to the sixth user's quirk, but he can converse with the vestiges at all times as the sixth user is actively coaching him through the battles. The sixth user reminds him that the One For All power has been built up to new levels through the previous generations, and suggests that Izuku ease up on its use so it doesn't overwhelm him.

This means his new strategy is to use the quirks as parts of his arsenal. The sixth mentions that all of their quirks alone are small abilities that will never become an official ultimate move, so Izuku's best move forward is to use each of these smaller abilities in tandem to fight better in the field. The chapter shows just that as Izuku layers the abilities to move around and evade until he makes a single strike.

Now it seems than rather have his body adjust to using One For All's full strength like before, he needs to better use what he's got if he truly wants to get this ability down. But what do you think of this new path forward to One For All? Will Izuku's multiple abilities be a good balance to all of Tomura Shigaraki's powers? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!
