One Piece‘s anime has seen Luffy taking on a fierce new training in Kaido’s Udon prison, but the newest episode has revealed a strong new ally for Luffy and the Straw Hats going forward by confirming a new member of the Akazaya Nine. When Luffy was first brought into the prison, he walked by a closed off cell with a dangerous person on the inside who could withstand constantly being fed poisonous fish. It seemed like this would be a dangerous individual to Luffy and the others, but there were a few clues here and there that he was really an ally.
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The newest episode of the series confirms this is indeed the case as it revealed a new member of the Akazaya Nine line up with Kawamatsu the Kappa. It’s revealed that he’s been imprisoned for several years and has been withstanding those terrible fish holding out hope for the day that the Akazaya Nine would make their move against Kaido in honor of their former lord.
Episode 947 of the series continues the chaos between Big Mom, Queen, and Luffy, and a mysterious voice comes out of the “Never Opening Cell” that had been broken in the chaos. It says that Luffy she tell the prisoners that they really have a chance against Kaido, and it’s confirmed to be Kawamatsu as he laughs about the fact that his time to move has come.
The Warden reveals that Kawamatsu should have been executed, and they had been forcibly feeding him poisonous fish to do so over the years because of Orochi, but it had failed to kill him despite their efforts. When a few of the guards try and kill Kawamatsu in his cell, he uses the remaining fish bones to take them out much like before. But despite his terrible situation, Kawamatsu does nothing but laugh as it’s clear by the end of the episode that he’s going to break out his cell and make his move.
What did you think of Kawamatsu the Kappa’s official debut in the anime? Are you excited to see him join the ranks of the Akazaya Nine going forward? What kind of skills do you think this member has been hiding? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!