One Piece Teases a Terrible Fate for Sabo

One Piece teased a terrible fate for Sabo in the newest episode! One Piece officially brought the [...]

One Piece teased a terrible fate for Sabo in the newest episode! One Piece officially brought the Wano Country's second act to an end back in 2020, but the first new episode of the year didn't jump right back into the arc for the third act. Instead, fans got to see an update as to how the rest of the world is faring outside of Wano. Following up on the brief Reverie mini-arc that took place before the events of the Wano Country arc, it's revealed that the World Government's various leaders made some big changes to the power system.

But those were not the only major reveals shaking up the rest of the seas as one pertained to what was actually going on in Mariejois during the Reverie meeting itself. Because while Sabo and a few of the Revolutionary Army's commanders were sneaking around for undisclosed reasons, it appears that something terrible has happened to Sabo according to an update in the newest episode.

Episode 957 of the series sees Morgans break down many of the massive shifts in the world from the Reverie meeting, and he reveals that "someone" has died during it. While it's not explicitly said who it is, the next few clues seem to tie this tease to Sabo as not only is Morgans seen saying this to a picture of Sabo himself (to better lay out the front page news), but the reactions to the news make things even more damning for Sabo.

One Piece Sabo Death Fate Tease Reverie Wano Anime
(Photo: Toei Animation)

Not only are the members of the Revolution Army seen crying over whatever this news for Sabo is, Stelly is reacting in a shocked manner to it as well. Taking this news in an even darker direction are Makino and Dadan's reactions back in Foosha Village, as they are both crying over what happened to Sabo. Given that Sabo's death has been faked out before, it's not likely that he indeed died but it very well could have happened given the twists and turns in this series.

But if it's not Sabo's death the series is teasing, what kind of darker fate could there potentially be that gets all of these characters crying like this? What do you think? Do you think One Piece has truly killed Sabo for good this time? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!