
One-Punch Man Illustrator Shares Amazing Spider-Man Far: From Home Artwork

Yusuke Murata is one of the most popular illustrators among anime and manga fans for his work with […]

Yusuke Murata is one of the most popular illustrators among anime and manga fans for his work with series like Eyeshield 21 and One-Punch Man, and even more so with his talented works paying tribute to other franchises. Murata has been a huge hit with illustrations for Spider-Man in the past for these incredible artworks for Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, and now he’s made his official return to the character for a special illustration included with the home video release of Spider-Man: Far From Home in Japan.

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Announced as a pack-in with a special booklet in the Premium Limited Edition Steel Book release for Spider-Man: Far From Home in Japan, the official Twitter account for the film unveiled a slick new piece of art illustrated by Murata giving fans a glimpse into many of the Mysterio battles of the big Marvel sequel.

Spider-Man: Far From Home is now available for purchase on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital HD. The sequel continues Peter Parker’s story from Avengers: Endgame, and thankfully fans will see this story come to a close as Spider-Man will be getting one more outing as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It comes at a good time too considering many of the huge questions left at the end of Far From Home, and perhaps it will also lead to a new illustration from Yusuke Murata in the future considering he has quite the eye for the character.

As for One-Punch Man, Viz Media has licensed One-Punch Man’s second season for an English release, and the series is currently airing Saturdays as part of Adult Swim’s Toonami programming block. You can also find the original Japanese runs of the two season series now streaming on Hulu. They describe One-Punch Man Season 2 as such:

“Saitama is a hero who only became a hero for fun. After three years of “special training,” he’s become so strong that he’s practically invincible. In fact, he’s too strongโ€”even his mightiest opponents are taken out with a single punch. Now, the great seer Madame Shibabawa’s prediction about the Earth being doomed seems to be coming true as the frequency of monster incidents escalates. Alongside Genos, his faithful disciple, Saitama begins his official hero duties as a member of the Hero Association, while Garou, a man utterly fascinated by monsters, makes his appearance.”