New Pokemon Journeys Episode Titles Nod to Alola and a Rematch

Pokemon Journeys has been a trip for fans, and it has kept them entertained every step of the way. [...]

Pokemon Journeys has been a trip for fans, and it has kept them entertained every step of the way. The show promised to do things Pokemon never dreamt to do before, so it has fallen to Ash to see that guarantee through. And thanks to a brand-new set of episode titles, fans know what the trainer will get into in a matter of weeks.

Recently, a set of three new episode titles went live for Pokemon Journeys. It was there fans got a look at their translated names, and some major puzzle pieces fell into place. After all, the new titles confirmed a trip to Alola is in store, and it seems Ash is gearing up to push back his new rival in a rematch.

You can check out the titles below thanks to user ilapaperx. The fan translated the Japanese titles into English for fans overseas to enjoy:

  • "I'm Back, Alola"
    "The Fossil Pokemon"
    "Ash vs Bea!"

Looking at these titles, fans can immediately predict three incoming stories. The first is obvious as Alola is given a namedrop. It appears Ash will be returning to the island region and reuniting with his friends back there. Fans were let in on this trip weeks ago when Pokemon Journeys shared its second opening. The clip revisited characters like Mallow in Alola, so here's to hoping this reunion is as cute as we hope it will be.

The second title is vaguer, but fans were teased about the introduction of Aerodactyl. The monster is known as the Fossil Pokemon since lore states it was brought back to life through a piece of old amber. As for the third episode listed, the title refers to a new match between Ash and Bea, so fans are eager to see how this goes. The pair just duked it out in the newest Pokemon episode, and Ash ended up taking a big loss against the Galar gym trainer.

Which of these upcoming episodes will you be watching? How has Pokemon Journeys been doing since its premiere? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!