Squidbillies star Stuart Daniel Baker has been fired from the Adult Swim animated series following a string of offensive social media posts. Baker, better known by his performing stage name Unknown Hinson, provided the voice of Early Cuyler in the series for the past 12 seasons and now the series will be moving forward without him. In an official announcement from Squidbillies‘ official Twitter account, series creators Jim Fortier and Dave Willis revealed that, effective immediately, production on the series will be moving forward without Baker after a string of comments directed at Dolly Parton and the Black Lives Matter movement.
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Fortier and Willis’ official statement reads as such, “We’re aware of the extremely offensive and derogatory social media posts made late last week by Stuart D. Baker. The views he expressed do not reflect our own personal values or the values of the show that we and many others have worked hard to produce over the past 15 years. For those reasons, production of Squidbillies will continue without Mr. Baker, effective immediately.”
โ Squidbillies (@Squidbillies) August 16, 2020
Dolly Parton recently made comments in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and revealed the changes she has made in her own life, and Baker’s derogatory response to an article about these comments quickly gained negative attention after it was shared on Facebook. As compiled by @brutalcountry on Twitter, these comments not only contain foul language but revealed many of the stances that Fortier and Willis note that their team does not agree with in their official statement.
Hey, @adultswim and @cartoonnetwork , how do you feel about this racist post from Squidbillies voice actor, #stuartbaker? pic.twitter.com/wWKlXAS9Uf
โ CARRIE Crawford (@brutalcountry) August 14, 2020
The chain of posts and derogatory comments have been seemingly removed from Stuart Baker’s Facebook page completely as of this writing. The Facebook page representing Baker had gone offline after the comments, and has since been restored with the comments no longer seen on the page. Casting for Baker’s replacement has yet to be announced, and it also is unknown just how far Baker’s work was into the currently in production thirteenth season of the series.
A premiere date for this season has yet to be confirmed either. How do you feel about Early Cuyler’s voice being replaced for Squidbillies‘ future? Looking for to Season 13 of the series? Let us know all of your thoughts in the comments!