
The Internet Is Emotional Over ‘Voltron’s Big LGBT Reveal

Last season, fans of Voltron: Legendary Defender were left hanging on one of the show’s most […]

Last season, fans of Voltron: Legendary Defender were left hanging on one of the show’s most emotional moments ever. Not only did the Paladins suffering a loss thanks to the Castle of Lions being destroyed, but the team was hit when Shiro’s fate soured. On the cusp of death, Shiro had fans desperate for season seven, and the big episode made its premiere at Comic-Con International. And, well, the fandom has yet to calm down over the big debut.

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So, spoiler warned! There are massive spoilers for the premiere of Voltron‘s seventh season below! You have been duly warned!

For those who haven’t heard, Voltron reveals a massive detail about Shiro’s past in the premiere of season seven. The episode begins with Allura trying to heal the Black Paladin after she inserts Shiro’s soul into his clone’s body. The hero remains in critical condition, prompting Keith into a near-constant state of anxiety. The episode splits itself into flashbacks as the origins of Shiro and Keith are explore… and it is there the show reveals Shiro’s boyfriend.

As it turns out, Shiro had a boyfriend in the garrison named Adam. The tall man is seen speaking with Shiro after the lead is barred from going on an important mission. Shiro is told to avoid the mission because of his health, but he believes the job is too important to skip on. Upset, Adam asks what he means to Shiro and tells the scarred soldier he will not be waiting for Shiro back at home should he go on the mission. As fans know, Shiro does go on the extended gig, leaving fans uncertain as to what happened between him and Adam.

After the premiere aired, co-executive producer Lauren Montgomery confirmed Adam was Shiro’s significant other.

“They probaby weren’t married yet,” the creator said at the show’s SDCC panel. “But that’s the road they were going down. Shiro made an unfortunate decision – jobs comes up and sometimes people drift apart. That was the unfortunate situation in their relationship, but it was a beautiful relationship that developed over the years.”

As you can guess, fans have been geeking out over this major reveal since it went live. All you have to do is look below to get a taste of that excitement, and as you will see, it hasn’t calmed down in the slightest:

What do you make of this reveal? Will you be tuning into season seven of Voltron?Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!

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