Gamera: Rebirth Is Now Streaming on Netflix

After months of teasing, Gamera: Rebirth is now streaming on Netflix.

The wait is over, everyone. Netflix has tapped a new titan for its audience, and Godzilla fans are flocking to the premiere. After all, Gamera: Rebirth has been released, and the epic series tells the story of Gamera as Tokyo comes under attack.

As you can see here on Netflix, Gamera: Rebirth is now streaming, and you can watch the anime either subbed or dubbed. Produced by Kadokawa Corporation and ENGI, Gamera: Rebirth marks the start of a new era at Netflix. After all, the show is Gamera's first for the streaming service, and it follows in the steps of Godzilla. After all, the King of the Monsters has had a number of projects head to Netflix, so now Gamera is getting some love.

If you are not familiar with Gamera, the kaiju has been around for decades. The fictional beast was first introduced to fans in 1965 with Gamera, the Giant Monster. The movie was created to compete with Toho's massive hit Godzilla. Since Gamera was introduced, the kaiju has become a legend in their own right, and the prehistoric turtle has fans everywhere.

In recent decades, Gamera has enjoyed a definite surge in the United States. The monster was greatly overshadowed by Godzilla for years, but Gamera made itself known stateside in the 1970s. In the 1990s, Gamera became a recognizable movie monster courtesy of pop culture nods in Mystery Science Theater 3000. However, Gamera projects dwindled in the 2000s as the monster only released a single film between 2000 and 2022. Now, Netflix has revived Gamera with a new project, and the anime promises to energize the titan's fandom.

What do you think about Netflix's new kaiju series? Do you want the service to tackle more titans in the future? Let us know what you think in the comments below as well as on Twitter and Instagram. You can also hit me up @MeganPetersCB to share your take!