There have been innumerable characters over the years who have had their own ongoing solo series in comics,some going on to become highly successful, popular continuing tales.However, for every Batman, Superman, Spider-Man and Daredevil, there are countless others who have had their one and done series runs, (Dazzler and Jubilee being two that come to mind).There’s an even more select group, who have endured countless relaunches, new creative teams, new character angles, but who can’t seem to support their own, long-running solo series.Below is a list of those characters who might make for interesting limited series and/or are great on a team, but for some reason can’t keep a series of their own going for too long. They have racked up many issues over the years, perhaps even cracking 100 issues at one time, but their series always seem to get restarted, relaunched, or rebooted.Punisher (Marvel) Perhaps the king of multiple series launches and attempts is Marvel’s premiere vigilante, The Punisher.Despite one, just over 100-issue series in the late 80s and early 90s, Frank Castle lands on this list due to his MULTIPLE iterations and appearances over the years in varying types of limited and solo attempts.Recent news of another relaunch of the character for this fall was announced just the other day, but, based on feedback from our readers, this move gets more of a roll of the eyes than a squeal of delight.Poor sales always seem to doom The Punisher, and history is not on his side in this most recent relaunch.Part of the problem could be his non-kid friendly character persona, which doesn’t translate to building life-long readers from the ground up.Who knows, but only time, and sales, will tell if this new series will stick for the solo fighter.
Better Luck Next Time: Comic Book Characters With Multiple Solo Series Attempts
There have been innumerable characters over the years who have had their own ongoing solo series […]