According to a report coming out of Box Office Mojo, Pete Travis’ Judge Dredd reboot Dredd will be rated R in the United States for “strong bloody violence, language, drug use and some sexual content.”While an R rating is often considered the kiss of death for blockbuster films that need to be put in front of as many eyes as possible, it’s likely that fans of the franchise will be thrilled to find out that it won’t compromise for sake of appealing to a broader audience, like the notoriously-bad Sylvester Stallone version made in 1995. That film was also rated R, but it’s widely perceived that it was a movie made by committee and that the quality of the movie suffered for it.Coming out of Lionsgate films, the same studio that produced The Hunger Games, Dredd will hit American theaters on September 21 and stars Karl Urban (Red, Star Trek).
Dredd Will Be Rated R
According to a report coming out of Box Office Mojo, Pete Travis’ Judge Dredd reboot Dredd will be […]