Benedict Cumberbatch has, in cooperation with the Star Trek Into Darkness writers and producers, kept fans totally in the dark so far as to the identity of his villainous, mysterious role in the upcoming science fiction epic.That said, with the release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey about a week away and many IMAX prints of that film featuring a nine-minute introduction to the new Star Trek film, it doesn’t seem entirely beyond the realm of possibility that we’ll find out who the villain is during the fairly sizable chunk of the movie Paramount intends to tease audiences with on Friday. For that reason, it seemed an ideal time to look at the most likely candidates, beginning with Gary Mitchell.Now, filmmakers have already said that it’s not Mitchell–but that doesn’t mean a whole lot to the fans, who are pretty convinced that it’s either him or Khan (who has also been denied). So keep all of that in mind, and go ahead and read the reasons we think he’s a strong candidate:Bones already said soDuring the press junket for Dredd 3D, leading man Karl Urban (better known to Star Trek fans as Bones McCoy in the J.J. Abrams films) told a reporter that villain Benedict Cumberpatch is “awesome, he’s a great addition, and I think his Gary Mitchell is going to be exemplary.”That interview took place after the only denial that we’re aware of from the director or producers, meaning that since it was put out there to the world, nobody at Paramount has taken the time to say it isn’t true.He’s in the IDW comic booksIn Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness from IDW Publishing, fans are supposedly getting quite a bit of information about the new film – which makes sense, because the original Star Trek: Countdown miniseries was pretty riddled with clues when you look back on it. That hasn’t started yet, but…Beyond the Countdown miniseries, IDW has been publishing an ongoing Star Trek series set in the Abrams universe for a while now, and word of God has it that those stories are also canon, even if they aren’t “featured” in the same way as the Countdown stories are.Well, that series has already featured Gary Mitchell. Curious? There’s something else here –
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