Action Comics #18 Preview - Grant Morrison's Final Superman Issue

Asked how much of his 19-issue Action Comics run he planned out in advance, notoriously meticulous [...]

Asked how much of his 19-issue Action Comics run he planned out in advance, notoriously meticulous plotter Grant Morrison told Entertainment Weekly that he didn't plan any of it at all--that he only planned six issues when he first began the run. But then, hesitating, he added, "the little man appears in the first panel. I knew he was from the fifth dimension, and I knew he was new baddie. I guess…I have no idea why I put him in there. That's really weird. I'm thinking back. I planned six issues. I wasn't going to do anymore. So why the hell is that guy there? Honestly, I think he sneaked himself in." He's right, of course - that character is right there at the beginning, although as far back as the first month of the New 52, Morrison already knew that he was a being of some significance. "I was thinking of the dwarf from Twin Peaks–a gnome-like figure, a creepy little elf," the writer said back in 2011. Well, now is the final confrontation with that interdimensional threat. How's it all go down? Here's a look...