Shocking news from Marvel Comics, as they have revealed that Neil Gaiman will be co-writing an upcoming storyline. Even more shocking, Neil Gaiman is bringing his original creation Angela to the Marvel Universe. Angela first appeared in Spawn #9, which was published by Image Comics.Angela will make her Marvel Comics debut in June in Age of Ultron #10, which concludes the Age of Ultron storyline. The Age of Ultron #10 will include a special epilogue written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by the Joe Quesada, which is where Angela will appear.Angela will have a new look designed by Joe Quesada. In July, Angela also will appear in Guardians of the Galaxy #5, which will be co-written by Brian Michael Bendis and Neil Gaiman. An article in the New York Times mentions that the Marvel is putting a lot of focus on Guardians of the Galaxy because of the upcoming movie in 2014.We wonder how long before the rumors start that Angela will be appearing in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Wouldn’t that be something?
Neil Gaiman Bringing Angela To The Marvel Universe
Shocking news from Marvel Comics, as they have revealed that Neil Gaiman will be co-writing an […]