The episode opens with someone from inside the prison shining a flashlight, and then dangling a rat, in front of the walkers at the fences to incite them.Inside, Tyreese and Karen are making out, but he can’t stop thinking about Zach, so they stop and have a bit of a philosophical conversation. He starts singing “Under My Skin” to her, and they’re having fun up until she says they should try to get some rest. He offers for her to crash with him, but they part ways instead.She leaves his room and walks down the hallway, stopping to look at pictures drawn by the kids in the prison’s classes and to splash some water on her face. In the shower room, she hears a noise and goes to check it out–which of course is when she fails to find Patrick, who died in the final seconds of the previous episode and is just now reanimating.She heads back to her cell and the walker follows her–but before he can walk into her room (they’re not locked cells; everyone seems to have sheets for “doors”–someone down the hall a bit coughs and he follows the sound; that person doesn’t even wake up before the walker chomps out his throat.Apparently nobody notices the sounds of the devouring because when we cut back to the prison after the credits, he’s still sitting on the floor in that guy’s room, having mostly eviscerated him and eating his entrails. He hears another cough, goes to investigate, and the guy he was just eating reanimates, too.Outside, there’s a horde of walkers at the fences. Glenn and Maggie are still spending some time in the guard towers, apparently, and Glenn takes out the camera he got in the previous episode and takes a picture of Maggie sleeping. This wakes her up, and he promises her to bring breakfast after perimeter check. She tells him to throw away his Polaroid, and he says no and goes off to take guard duty.
The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: Infected
The episode opens with someone from inside the prison shining a flashlight, and then dangling a […]