The CW announced today that they had cast Katrina Law as Nyssa, the illegitimate daughter of Ra’s al Ghul, TV Guide reports.Following Cynthia Addai-Robinson (Amanda Waller) and Manu Bennett (Slade Wilson), she is now the third Spartacus alumnus to take a role on Arrow.Her character will debut in episode 2.13 of Arrow, titled “Heir to the Demon.” Nyssa–half-sister to the better-known Talia, whom some have speculated to be secretly infiltrating Oliver Queen’s company as Isabel Rochev, a la the character’s role in The Dark Knight Rises–comes to Starling City looking for Black Canary.
Arrow Casts Katrina Law as Nyssa al Ghul
The CW announced today that they had cast Katrina Law as Nyssa, the illegitimate daughter of Ra’s […]