The first time readers met Cletus Kasady, he was a convicted serial killer with a mean-on for his cellmate, Eddie Brock (the original Venom). It wasn’t long before Kasady established himself as one of the Marvel Universe’s most dangerous and unstable supervillains–Carnage, who recently had his own miniseries as part of Marvel’s push to rebrand many of the Spider-Man characters as “Superior.”Now, he’s back in a new event–Deadpool vs. Carnage–which sees two of Marvel’s most bizarre, violent and insane minds facing off.Due in April, the one-shot will hit from from writer Cullen Bunn and artist Salva Espin.
Marvel Ups the Blood-and-Insanity Ante With Deadpool vs. Carnage
The first time readers met Cletus Kasady, he was a convicted serial killer with a mean-on for his […]