DC Entertainment have unveiled the two halves of their upcoming 3-D, lenticular cover for Booster Gold: Futures End #1…and the second “half” seemingly tells us an awful lot about the story.The first “half,” seen above, is pretty standard. Booster Gold, posing in front of a cityscape. It looks as though the city is probably Metropolis, which has been Booster’s base of operation fairly frequently during his time as a superhero, so nothing particularly new there. Seen from just the right angle, it could be Pittsburgh, which is where Booster operated from in the wake of 52 and prior to the Flashpoint Crisis, but it’s unlikely, especially as the pointed building near Booster’s left elbow lacks an antenna, which would be characteristic of the most recognizable building shaped like that in Pittsburgh.In any event, it is, as we noted above, the second image in the cover that’s really interesting.
Booster Gold: Futures End Cover Tells Us An Awful Lot, Raises Big Questions About the New 52
DC Entertainment have unveiled the two halves of their upcoming 3-D, lenticular cover for Booster […]