
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Thor: The Dark World Tie-In, Easter Eggs and References

Given the much-hyped connection to Thor: The Dark World, there were surprisingly few overt […]

Given the much-hyped connection to Thor: The Dark World, there were surprisingly few overt references to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (outside of direct references to The Avengers and Thor: The Dark World, in terms particularly of Thor and Loki, whose name is skirted around).Have we heard Coulson say Loki’s name in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. yet? That the name was never uttered onscreen in this episode as far as I can remember is interesting, and perhaps telling. If Coulson is indeed an android or a LMD, as most fans assume he is, could he have been programmed without certain key specifics of the attack on his person? To what end?There were some references, though, and even beyond that there’s a bit to be said about Berserkers in Asgard. So, without further ado…First of all, let’s just stipulate that there are a handful of name-drops in the episode. The Chitauri get mentioned, as does Thor on multiple occasions, including being used as a threat to force collaboration from the Berserker. The events of The Avengers are referenced once again, particularly Coulson’s death by Asgardian spear. That’s particularly notable when Randolph/Berserker takes a similar stabbing and keeps on ticking.

Ghostbusters II

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Ally McBeal Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
sticks out in Marvel’s history Journey Into Mystery recently
In the video game series Fire Emblem, Berserk is a staff: if a character is hit by this staff, he will attack the nearest unit, whether it is an enemy or an ally. There is also a job class named Berserker, which are depicted wielding giant axes and a high critical hit rate.
Agent Coulson Tahiti

Per regular reader John Baumeister, in the post-credits sequence:

It isn’t JUST that he asked, “Did I fall asleep?” It’s that she responded, “For a little while.” That line is straight from Dollhouse, so it was a nice nod to the fans. Probably the most intriguing part of that scene was how her voice sounded digital right before he woke up.

Interesting, that. As somebody who never watched Dollhouse, I wouldn’t have caught that reference.He also provided us with a side-by-side comparison of the scenes in GIF over at Whedonesque.And, yes, we’ve got the apparent PTSD that’s coming along with the phrase “It’s a magical place.” He’s apparently figured out that there’s something not quite right about that phrase, as last episode saw him stop himself mid-sentence and this week we get the odd night terrors it seemingly provokes.Eagle-eyed viewers may also have noticed that while she doesn’t wear the costume from Journey Into Mystery onscreen, the sigil painted onto the sign at the public park toward the beginning of the film is an inverted version of the logo on Lady Sif’s red-and-white costume, as seen in the comic books:

Wonder Woman
movies Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Thor The Avengers Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.