The CW have released a sneak peek at a scene from tomorrow’s episode of Arrow, titled “City of Blood.”When Moira said last episode that there was only one way the night could end, it turns out she was right; in this clip (major spoilers ahead if you’re behind on the show), Sebastian Blood has apparently been elected mayor, and on his computer Officer and Laurel Lance find evidence that he knew what Slade was going to do at the end of “Seeing Red.”What can they do with that information — especially when it wasn’t exactly obtained legally? It doesn’t seem particularly unlikely that their plans will involve the Arrow…but as we’ve seen in the trailers for this week’s episode, Oliver Queen appears to be missing in action.You can check out the clip below. “City of Blood” airs tomorrow at 8 p.m. ET/PT.
Arrow: City of Blood Preview Clip Released Online
The CW have released a sneak peek at a scene from tomorrow’s episode of Arrow, titled ‘City of […]