
Batman: Arkham Origins E3 Trailer Features Lots of Cool Gameplay

Yes, we are just as caught up in the reveals coming out of E3 in Los Angeles this week, and here […]
BAtman Arkham Origins

Yes, we are just as caught up in the reveals coming out of E3 in Los Angeles this week, and here is the E3 trailer for another hotly anticipated game due this October, Batman: Arkham Origins. Going back to the days well before Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, Origins tells the story of one fateful night in Gotham, when gangster Black Mask hires the likes of Bane, Deadshot, and Deathstroke to compete to kill Batman.The game is already on fans minds, and this gameplay trailer, which you can watch here, features some cool gameplay reveals that take some of the awesome features of the first two games and expand upon them in some ways. Also, some really great reveals here with character details can be seen as well. Enjoy!

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