
Check Out This Fan Made Real Life Street Fighter Video

If you happen to be a Street Fighter fan, you’ve indulged a few lackluster interpretations. While […]
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(Photo: RackaRacka)

If you happen to be a Street Fighter fan, you’ve indulged a few lackluster interpretations. While this one won’t win awards for realism, it sure is entertaining.

Youtube users RackaRacka, made up of creators Danny & Michael Philippou, joined up with Street Fighter: Resurrection and released a new short titled Real Life Street Fighter. The film shows everyone playing a round of Street Fighter on an arcade cabinet, but when someone loses the fight and gets some trash talk thrown his way, the chaos and hilarity ensues.

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Featuring the likes of Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Balrog, Vega, Dhalsim, and Bison, the film fits all of your favorite moves in, with some ridiculous slapstick humor thrown in. Things like Vega walking around in that weird wig or Dhalsim getting his arm chopped in half are part of what makes this great, so make sure to watch the whole thing above.

Also kudos to the visual effects team of Jack Troisi, Sam Tull, Philip Fraschetti, Karl Rhyde, Sebastian Ravagnani, David Smith, Aron Galabuzi for a job well done.