A group of fans hoping to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of G.I. Joe have taken to the IndieGoGo crowdfunding platform to seek funds for a new Girls of the Finest calendar.The calendar would gather a dozen female cosplayers to create a unique pin-up calendar featuring G.I. Joe characters, with funds going to the Wounded Warrior Project.””We are passionate about the characters we portray and we want to reflect the passion of the G.I. Joe fandom,” says the site. “All of your favorite female characters (plus a few twists on classic characters) will be portrayed here – 12 months of our amazing female costumers photographed exclusively for this calendar! We think you’ll agree that the Girls of The Finest is unlike any calendar you’ve seen before.””We also wanted to show our support for the Real American Heroes that make up our U.S. military,” the campaign adds. “Thus, all net proceeds earned from this campaign will go to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project. That means whatever money is left after we pay for the printing and distribution of the calendars and all associated perks will be presented to the Wounded Warrior Project with our thanks.”There are currently 49 days remaining to contribute to the campaign, which is just past its halfway point (they hope to raise $7,500 and as of this writing have $3,775). Rewards range from a postcard at the low end to a private Q&A with the calendar girls at the $250 donation level.You can check out the campaign at the link above.
Cosplay Group Hopes to Celebrate 50 Years of G.I. Joe With Girls of the Finest Calendar
A group of fans hoping to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of G.I. Joe have taken to the […]