When it comes to Lord of the Rings, it is almost impossible to imagine any other actors assuming the role of Frodo or anyone else. The cast of Peter Jackson‘s fantasy films was an all-star selection of talent from top to bottom. In particular, fans have applauded Ian McKellen’s casting as Gandalf the Wise. But, now, fans have learned the wizard was very nearly played by another beloved man.
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[H/T] David Bowie Was Being Considered for Guardians Of Galaxy Vol. 2 Cameo
Apparently, David Bowie came very close to donning Gandalf’s robes.
Not long ago. The Huffington Post spoke with a casting director from the films who let loose the secret. Amy Hubbard told the site that Bowie was simply to busy for the role and hadn’t been able to do a formal audition for Gandalf.
“He was unavailable,” Hubbard explained. “It was a very quick conversation with the legendary Chris Andrews at CAA. I do believe that [David Bowie] went over and played for everybody at the Millennium party. That would’ve been New Year’s Eve in the year 1999, which was when the films were being shot. He went over and entertained everybody, but he never auditioned. That’s for sure.”
She went on to explain that Jackson was looking to have Bowie tackle the role of Gandalf. “We approached him. I’m pretty sure it was Peter Jackson’s idea in the first few weeks that we got going. It was one that he’d always wondered about, and we rang Chris, and [Bowie] was far too busy,” she continued.
Of course, Lord of the Rings would not have been Bowie’s only acting gig. The iconic singer had roles in several projects like Labyrinth, Basquiat, and The Prestige.
Shortly after Bowie passed away, it was announced that the singer had been eyed for another popular film franchise. According to the director of Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel was looking into whether Bowie could cameo in the film’s sequel.
James Gunn memorialized the singer on Facebook, writing, “I always thought the album’s character was felt far beyond that, in the aesthetics, in the integral and seemingly-natural linking in popular culture of ’70’s rock and space opera. I’ve been trying to work another song from Ziggy into the sequel, which would make Bowie the only artist to have a song on both Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. I thought this was fair and appropriate. Although I cut the scene it was used in from the script, we have the rights. Who knows. Maybe I can figure a way out.”
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“Just a very short while ago Kevin Feige and I were talking about a cameo role in Guardians Vol. 2, and he brought up Bowie’s name. I told him nothing in the world would make me happier, but I heard from common friends he wasn’t doing well,” he went on. “We heard back that he was okay and it could potentially happen. Who knows what that was about? But, for whatever reason, it made my Twitter revelation [of his passing] more of a surprise.”
So, what do you think? Would you have wanted to see Bowie fight to keep the one ring out of Sauron’s hands? Let us know in the comments below!
[H/T] The Huffington Post
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