
DC Entertainment And Warner Bros. To Make Announcement About Famine Relief In The Horn Of Africa

We just got word that DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Entertainment will be making an […]
Heroes Against Hunger

We just got word that DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Entertainment will be making an announcement on Monday about a major corporate responsibility/cause-related marketing initiative. While we don’t have the details yet on exactly what the initiative is, we do know that it is regarding drought and famine relief in the Horn of Africa.The announcement is officially scheduled to take place at the Time Warner Center in New York City on Monday, January 23, 2012. We know that this will be a really big announcement because some very important people are going to be at the event. Speakers involved in making the announcement will include Time Warner Chairman & CEO, Time Warner Jeff Bewkes, Warner Bros. Chairman & CEO Barry Meyer, Warner Bros. Pictures Group President Jeff Robinov, and DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson.Charities involved in the announcement include Save the Children, Mercy Corps and the International Rescue Committee. Save The Children Board Trustee Cokie Roberts, Mercy Corps CEO Neal Keny-Guyer and International Rescue Committee President & CEO George Rupp will also be part of making the announcement.That Warner Bros. is making the announcement with their subsidiary DC Entertainment suggests that DC Comics superheroes will be playing a role in the marketing effort. Of course, this would not be the first time that the world’s greatest superheroes have joined in the fight against hunger. In 1986, DC Comics published the one-shot comic book called Heroes Against Hunger, which featured Superman and Batman. All proceeds from the comic book went to relieve hunger in Africa.With so many big players involved in the announcement, it’s likely to be much broader than just a one-shot comic book. If the announcement is indeed as suspected, it sounds like a really great idea to leverage characters like Superman and Batman to bring attention to the very worthwhile cause of drought and famine relief. We look forward to bringing you more details.