DC has released two episodes of a new superhero cartoon aimed at young girls. DC Super Hero Girls features teenage versions of many female DC characters, all of whom attend a high school for superheroes run by Principal Amanda Waller.DC released a teaser for the cartoon last week and aired two more episodes to coincide with this weekend’s New York Comic-Con.Characters featured in DC Super Hero Girls include Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn and Bumblebee.
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Both new episodes can be found below.
The new cartoon is part of a new DC Super Hero Girls merchandise line developed by DC and Mattel.In addition to producing an animated series featuring the characters, DC is teaming up with several companies including Mattel, Random House Books and Lego to release a series of books, comics, apparel and toys to promote the new line.
In addition to Wonder Woman, Bumblebee and Harley Quinn, DC Super Hero Girls will also feature Batgirl, Katana, Poison Ivy and Supergirl.
The DC Super Hero Girls line was designed primarily for young girls ages 6-12, with the hopes of introducing a whole new generation to DC superheroes.In an interview with USA Today last week, DC Chief Creative Officer called DC Super Hero Girls one of the most important things he’s ever done with the company.
The full line of DC Super Hero Girls merchandise will be released sometime in 2016.