
Deadpool Creator Promises Comic Book Cinematic Experience Unlike Any Other

Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld is apparently on the film’s set today, and has posed a photo of […]

After a nearly day-long April Fools joke revolving around the film’s rating, Liefeld shared a lenghty, earnest comment expressing his faith in the film and excitement to see the final product.

You can check it out below.

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Congrats to Team Deadpool on each and every victory along the Deadpool highway! The R rating ensures the film will be unique and faithful to the amazing vision of the filmakers Tim Miller, Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick and Ryan freakin’ Reynolds!! DEADPOOL RANT….So you’re thinking, “of course Liefeld, you brought Deadpool to life, what else are we to expect but you to cheer, homer.” Let’s get something straight, after Wolverine:Origins I went on the apology tour, for those many umpteen thousands of you who came up to me at the bazillion conventions I do and asked me “Hey, Liefeld, what did you think of Deadpool in Wolverine:Origins?” you saw me smile through gritted teeth and give a very deliberate response “Well, it’s a good start..” Because I already knew that there were plans underway to restore Deadpool and that given the opportunity, the new team that Ryan was assembling would produce the film we all wanted. But I knew that I couldn’t apologize twice, I couldn’t smile through gritted teeth any longer, this one would have to be earned. Rhett Rheese and Paul Wernick came on board and wrote the most amazing, exciting, unique comic book script I’d ever read. Even my Marvel pals have confided and said, “Wow, that Deadpool script…That’s spectacular..It should get made” but it didn’t. And years passed and management at Fox passed and executives came and went, each unable to move it forward. During this time, the outstanding Tim Miller stepped into the directors chair to guide the film and from the word go, he started making things happen. I saw storyboards, costume designs and animatics. The vision was becoming a reality and that amazing test reel footage was shot and I thought for certain that the film would be on its way to a green light. Then…more waiting. And here we are, this outstanding vision is being filmed and prepared for a Feb. 12th 2016 release date. I can tell you that you are in for a cinematic comic book experience unlike any you have experienced! Deadpool is all that you’ve been waiting for and a round of applause to Tim, Rhett, Paul, Ryan and Simon Kinberg for seeing it through! #robliefeld #deadpool

A photo posted by Rob Liefeld (@robliefeld) on

Deadpool stars Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin and more.

It’s due in theaters on February 24.