
Disneyland Float Collapses, Launching Santa Out Of His Sleigh

Disneyland patrons witnessed a frightening moment at their daily holiday parade yesterday, as a […]

Disneyland patrons witnessed a frightening moment at their daily holiday parade yesterday, as a float featuring Santa Claus’ sleigh collapsed, launching him out of his seat.

Social media users captured the incident and posted videos and photos, showing Santa’s sleigh nearly tupped over while the Disneyland cast member dangles from a harness. And while it should be cause for concern, the employee continues to wave to the patrons before workers could come and safely release him.

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Saw Santa almost die at Disneyland today. His sleigh broke and he was hanging by his harness.

A post shared by Micaela Pettigrew (@elaeuphoria) on

The man was apparently very dedicated to the role, as he remained in character with waves and joyful smiles as the crew worked to free him from the broken harness. Once he was released, visitors say that Santa Claus continued to walk the route on foot until the parade was finished.

The broken float in question continued on the parade as well, where other visitors who didn’t see the incident did notice the fact that Santa Claus’ sleigh was pointing downward.

Of course, with a part as big and intricate as Disneyland, these kinds of complications are bound to happen. What’s impressive is that no one got hurt in the ordeal, and that the cast member remained dedicated to showing the guests some holiday spirit.

Hopefully Disneyland can fix the problem and make sure nothing like this happens again, further insuring the safety of cast members and guests alike.

[h/t WDW News Today]