
Who Dies Next On The Walking Dead?

Happy Sunday, better known as The Walking Dead Day nowadays. Time for someone to die. […]
TWD Glenn 612

Happy Sunday, better known as The Walking Dead Day nowadays. Time for someone to die. Probably.

Well, we can’t say for sure if any main characters are going to die in tonight’s new episode of The Walking Dead, but we can chalk up who we think the next victim(s) will be.

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Let’s immediately take Rick, Carl, and Michonne off the table. Carl has been through enough this season and will likely sit out most of the action, and Rick is Rick. Michonne also just sealed her position as TV counterpart to comic book Andrea which means she’s going to be around for a good while, having Rick’s back and slicing up enemies.

Then we’ll throw Jesus into the “safe” pool, too, because Tom Payne’s new character is definitely going to grow into a leader and fan-favorite.

The main characters in a blurry, dangerous area are probably Gabriel, Glenn, Daryl, Maggie, and Morgan.

Morgan’s unwillingness to kill can end up costing him his life, if not others, and if it does cost others, it’s unlikely that Rick will allow him to remain in Alexandria. Casting him out would be almost as good as killing him, which is something Rick might actually skip straight to.

Normally, I’d say there’s no way Daryl could be killed off of this show. However, the introduction of Jesus certainly puts him in danger. He may find his place being buddies with Rick or Aaron but Jesus is going to rise up into a position of power and become a right-hand man to Rick and eventually Maggie, should she survive. This puts Daryl on the bubble, and to further the point, most fans would never suspect it to be something AMC would have the guts to do. It’d be a huge shocker. It’d be almost equivalent to Game of Thrones killing Ned Stark, Robb Stark, or Jon Snow…which they did all three.

Carol is also in danger as she grows more complacent at Alexandria. We all know what happens to people who let their guard down in this world.

Then there’s Glenn and Maggie. Sadly, there’s no way both of these characters make it out of the season alive. While many of us expect Glenn to die upon Negan’s arrival, it’s not impossible for the powers that be to swap the role and sacrifice Maggie rather than Glenn. The character already took a leadership role at the Hilltop during our group’s first trip and while she goes on to emerge as even more of a leader in the comics, this moment may have substituted her larger role down the line should she be killed of in season six.

In the most danger, I’m going with Abraham. The character is not only seeing a lot of development lately (which usually spells “trouble” on The Walking Dead scripts) but going by comic book knowledge, he’s next in line to accompany Jessie Anderson in the underground. It would be a shame to see him go, too. Both the character of Abraham and actor Michael Cudlitz have become fan favorites over the past few months.

Who do you have in The Walking Deadpool?