By the time Earth 2 #2 came out last Wednesday, DC Comics had already confirmed that Alan Scott, the reinvented take on the Golden Age Green Lantern of the same name, would be a homosexual.And, predictably, the comics Internet exploded.So when the book came out–and was quite good, by the way–most fans probably were too preoccupied with cruising through the issue to find their way to the pages DC had teased online to worry much about the numerous in-jokes that were left behind. Well, we didn’t (and, as it happens, neither did Inside Pulse’s John Babos, who contributed a few extra thoughts to this piece), and there were a whole lot of Easter eggs that were easy to miss if you weren’t looking carefully at the issue.
Earth 2 #2: Ten Things You Missed While Focusing on the Gay Green Lantern
By the time Earth 2 #2 came out last Wednesday, DC Comics had already confirmed that Alan Scott, […]