Today’s release of Savage Dragon #192 puts Malcolm Dragon squarely in the lead of the series, primarily because it would be impossible for Dragon to continue in his current state.[Spoilers ahead, obviously, but if you haven’t read this book then you should run, not walk, to your local comic shop or to ComiXology to pick up a digital copy so you can follow along with the rest of the interview.]Stripped of his powers and moved from his prison for super-criminals (where he was a bit of a distraction, let’s face it) and to a normal lock-up where he’s the baddest dude in the building in spite of losing his powers, Dragon embarks on the retirement stage of his heroic career–with an ominous tease in the title as to just what might happen to him one day.Series creator Erik Larsen is here to talk with us about the new status quo.
Erik Larsen on The End of The Savage Dragon Era
Today’s release of Savage Dragon #192 puts Malcolm Dragon squarely in the lead of the series, […]