With Legendary Pictures’s Godzilla due in theaters in just over two weeks, the cast and crew of the movie are in full-out publicity blitz mode. Press events were held in Los Angeles and New York over the last few days and ComicBook.com attended some of them and will be bringing you reviews and interviews over the next week or so.One key part of the film’s roll-out is the release on Wednesday of Godzilla: Awakening, the graphic novel written by Max and Greg Borenstein. Max wrote the screenplay for Godzilla and, like Travis Beacham (who wrote Pacific Rim), it’s he who gets to plot out his own prequel, so that they can make a project that jives with the movie version without contradicting or spoiling anything.Max Borenstein joined us to discuss Godzilla and Godzilla: Awakening.
Exclusive: Godzilla writer Max Borenstein On Setting the Stage With Godzilla: Awakening Graphic Novel
With Legendary Pictures’s Godzilla due in theaters in just over two weeks, the cast and crew of […]