In Previews this week, an eagle-eyed Reddit user pointed out that an ad for Detective Comics #19 contained in the promotional publication appears to show off the second half of the issue’s “WTF-certified” gatefold cover.Could “The 900” just be an army of Man-Bats? And is that really enough to qualify as a “WTF” moment? It seems more like DC decided to forego the “shocking twist” motif of the month’s covers in deference the 900th published monthly issue of Detective Comics.It does beg another question, though; with this image out there officially and Stormwatch #19’s cover being released by Jim Starlin (who intimated he ran it by DC first), how many of their supposedly shocking covers will be widely published before any of them actually hit the shelf?”I don’t want to go into too many details of what John and Jason Faybook are planning there,” DC Editor-in-Chief Bob Harras said back when they announced the idea of the 900. “The concept of the number 900 is important to the story. It’s something that I think will take people a little bit by surprise of what it is, but it is the theme of the issue. It’s what Batman has to face. It’s definitely part of the story in a big way.”The issue itself will cost $7.99, or $8.99 for a digital combo pack.
First Look at Batman’s The 900 – Detective Comics #19/900 Cover Revealed
In Previews this week, an eagle-eyed Reddit user pointed out that an ad for Detective Comics #19 […]