
Five DC Comics Characters The Rock Could Play

Yesterday, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson tantalized fans with more clues as to what DC Comics […]
Dwayne Johnson DC Comics Movie

Yesterday, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson tantalized fans with more clues as to what DC Comics character he’s reportedly already set to play, with a concept out to writers in Hollywood now.It’s not Green Lantern, the hero many fans expected it to be since he had put John Stewart out there as his personal fan-favorite at one point…but he’s a character with no significant big screen history, but a name that’s recognizable and Superman-level powers.It’s difficult to imagine that they would bring Johnson in to play a character like The Demon or Swamp Thing in the rumored Dark Universe movie, and equally difficult to picture them making him a star in a DC Comics movie and then not also utilizing his high profile for the expected Justice League film. That narrows the field considerably, especially when thinking of characters who might also be able to support a solo film.That he said the character hasn’t been fully realized onscreen before also suggests that characters with a rich TV history are also out of the picture. While somebody who had a short-lived show or a few guest appearances on Smallville might make the cut, somebody like The Flash — now on his second TV show — is probably out of the question.Based on his comments, who could Johnson be playing on the big screen? We’ve got a few ideas…

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