Volume Five, ‘Redemption,’ of Heroes kicked off with the two hour show entitled “Orientation/Jump, Push, Fall.”Last May, the story left off with perennial villain Sylar being transformed into Nathan Petrelli.We didn’t know what the Heroes would do next.So let’s catch up.Claire is a freshman at college outside Washington DC.Hiro and Ando are back in Japan, and they’ve started their own business called ‘Dial a Hero.’Hiro is dying of something–we don’t know what. Peter has his old job back as a paramedic.HRG is in DC starting up ‘The Company’ again.Angela Petrelli is in NYC.Traci Strauss is in DC, killing all of Danko’s men.Nathan is also in the Capital, as he’s still a U.S. Senator.Parkman is a detective in California.
Heroes Season Premiere: More Than A Little Slushy
Volume Five, ‘Redemption,’ of Heroes kicked off with the two hour show entitled ‘Orientation/Jump, […]