
Kick-Ass 2 to Be Screened For Millar Next Week; Secret Service Script Done

Mark Millar took to Twitter today to share a couple of interesting pieces of information about […]

Mark Millar took to Twitter today to share a couple of interesting pieces of information about upcoming Millarworld projects, showing that in spite of his new responsibilities overseeing the Marvel Comics movies at 20th Century Fox, his creator-owned properties are continuing to move forward.”A week from now I’ll see a first cut of Kick-Ass 2. Matthew Vaughn buzzed me last night gloating he saw it yesterday. I’m furious!” tweeted the writer, adding, “Well, Matthew Vaughn has just finished the screenplay for The Secret Service and, as always, made it better than my book. Mutha-fukka!”Sounds like Matthew Vaughn had best watch his step, lest Fox allow Millar access to one of the “Marvel snipers” that we hear so much about!Millar added that while the film has a rough cut done already, fans aren’t particularly close to seeing a trailer just yet. They’re also not as far away as some might think, though.”Trailer is still weeks away. Superman finished shooting a year ago and we just finished at Christmas. FX still being added.”Vaughn, of course, left Kick-Ass 2 to do X-Men: Days of Future Past and then left X-Men: Days of Future Past to work on The Secret Service. Rumors that he actually left the X-franchise to work on Star Wars haven’t completely disappeared, even as Episode VII has a director. Millar claimed at the time that the writer/director left X-Men for The Secret Service because someone else in Hollywood was preparing a suspiciously similar property for the big screen and Millar wanted to stake his claim to the concept. If the script is already finished, that’s probably a huge step in the right direction.Kick-Ass 2 is set to hit theaters on June 28.