Videos by ComicBook.com
, the onetime Tokyopop series from Reading With Pictures chief Josh Elder, will return in December with the help of Kickstarter funding.The all-ages comedy/adventure series, which follows the exploits of an elementary schooler who gets a literal mail-order ninja who comes to help him cope with the ordinary and not-so-ordinary trials and tribulations of daily life.But don’t take my word for it; here’s the official description:
Mail Order Ninjais the certified awesome* story of an ordinary little boy named Timothy J. McAllister living an ordinary little life in the ordinary little town of Cherry Creek, IN. But when Timmy orders his very own ninja from a mail order catalog (Arch-nemesis sold separately.), life in Cherry Creek will never be ordinary again!*Certification provided by the American Awesomeness Association.Videos by ComicBook.com
Says Elder on the Kickstarter page, “Mail Order Ninja is an award-winning graphic novel series first published by TOKYOPOP in 2005 and a nationally syndicated comic strip distributed by Universal Press Syndicate starting in 2007. Mail Order Ninja has effectively been on hiatus since 2008, but I never gave up on the series. I spent the last four years developing ninjarific new story content and recruiting a clan of talented artists (including Tim Smith 3, Dean Trippe, Cef Grima and Chris Giarrusso).”Of course, part of the reason that Mail Order Ninja fell by the wayside a bit was the fact that Tokyopop folded. In the time since the publisher ceased to exist, the first graphic novels have fallen out of print–but they’ll be back soon as rewards for donors to the Kickstarter campaign.You can hear more–from Elder directly–by playing the video below, which is also embedded on the fundraising page. The project is currently about 75% funded with less than two weeks left to go…so if you want more Mail Order Ninja, now’s as good a time as any.