You may have heard that there was another one of those comic book show things last week….
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In the aftermath of the big show in San Diego (it rhymes!), let’s discuss some of the happy comic book-related things that happened over the weekend.
I’ll save my frustrations, my annoyances, and my cynical sniping for another venue. Life is too short. We should be happier.
Happy Comic Book News from San Diego

Geoff Johns is involved in a tv series based on his Stargirl character, who is based on his own sister. That’s pretty cool.
Already, I’m starting off with TV news. ::sigh::
Marc Silvestri is officially drawing a Batman book that will be released when it’s ready. I’m going to wait another year after that and buy it as a nice hardcover collected edition.
The preview art is amazing to look at. I just don’t have the patience to sit through the inevitable delays on the serialized printing.

Sorry, I said I was going to be only positive. I’ll try harder:
Robert Kirkman and Jason Howard’s “Super Dinosaur” is getting an animated series. Normally, I wouldn’t mention this, but since the comic was designed from the get-go to become an animated series someday, this feels close to being amongst that rarest of things coming out of San Diego: comic book news.
Positive, Augie. Think positive!
Right. Got it.
Jason Howard is an amazing artist, isn’t he? I can’t wait for that new mini-series he’s doing with Warren Ellis to start, too!
IDW announced an Artist’s Edition of Bernie Wrightson’s “Frankenstein,” the legendary and ridiculously detailed print series telling the story of Frankenstein. I’ve never seen the full thing, only individual pages of it. I don’t know that I’ll be laying out the cash for this one, but I’m glad it exists and I’m sure it’ll be amazing.
The pages deserve to be reprinted at this size, and done by the company that does this size the best in the business. I didn’t know there was enough pages to justify a whole book like this, but IDW knows what it’s doing… How they found this original art is, I’m sure, a whole story in and of itself.
Awards Time!
I kept track of the Inkpot Awards as they were given out over the weekend. In the end, I came up with a list of 23 names, and you can find them all over on my website at the link in the previous sentence. There are a number of well-deserving people on that list, and I’m happy for all of them. I can’t argue with any of them.
I didn’t see any references to the Icon Award, though. Have they stopped giving those out? I’d have thought that would be the award to give Nichelle Nichols, not the Inkpot.

The Eisners happened again. As usual, none of my favorites won, so I’m maintaining the happy tone of this column and congratulating all the winners for what I’m sure was a magical weekend for them.
Back to Publishing News
Marvel is bringing “Uncanny X-Men” back! It’s 2018 and that’s a serious headline that excites people!
I’m failing miserably at this positivity thing, aren’t I?
Hey, it was a great weekend if you like The Joker. DC couldn’t announce a new Batman book without a Joker tie-in for it. Even their movies are Joker-centric now.
OK, one more try:
Surely I can go to my carefully curated list of comics professionals on Twitter to find some excitement in the world of comics, right?
Sigh, it’s all politics.
Better luck next week!
Next week: I’m going to go deep into the longboxes to find something good to re-read and review. Things can only get better…|| Twitter || Instagram || E-mail || YouTube