Spike TV’s 4th annual SCREAM Awards are coming up on October 17th at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles.Before we get to that ceremony however, first come the nominees!Announced late this afternoon, the nominees for the awards, which honor the fan favorites in comic books, sci-fi, horror and and fantasy, certainly comprise a number of blockbusters and fan favorites from the past year.J.J. Abram’s sci-fi masterpiece Star Trek leads the way with a total of seventeen nominations, including Best Science-Fiction Movie, Best Director and Best Ensemble.The nominees for Best Comic Book span some major and minor publishers in the industry, with Marvel receiving nominations for Thor, Wolverine: Old Man Logan and Kick-Ass.Devil’s Due Publishing makes an appearance with Hack/Slash, as well as DC with Green Lantern and Image with The Walking Dead.In the Best Comic Book Writer category, Brian Michael Bendis (Dark Avengers and Ultimate Spider-Man), Joe Hill (Locke & Key), Grant Morrison (All-Star Superman, Batmanand Final Crisis), Geoff Johns (Justice Society of Americaand Green Lantern), Mark Millar (Kick-Ass and Wolverine: Old Man Logan) and Brian K. Vaughn (Ex Machina) fill out the ranks.Star Trek’s competition in the Best Science-Fiction Movie category rests with Knowing, Moon, Outlander, Terminator: Salvationand the critically reviled Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.Other categories include Best Fantasy Actor and Actress, Best Superhero, Best Villain, and the eventful Best Fight-to the-Death Scene of the Year!For a full list of nominees, check out Spike’s website with the list!
SCREAM 2009 Awards Nominees Announced!
Spike TV’s 4th annual SCREAM Awards are coming up on October 17th at the Greek Theater in Los […]