There are a number of typical Grant Morrison themes that run through the final issue of his two-year (ish) run on Action Comics, out now on Nook and later today at your local comic shop.For starters, we see sheet music (like we saw during some of Superman’s key moments in Morrison’s Final Crisis).We get Superman leading the entire planet into battle against the enemy together, as Morrison has written in JLA, 52 and Final Crisis.We get multi-dimensional constructs (although, given the nature and identity of the arc’s villains, that’s sort of a given.And, like we’ve seen so often in Morrison’s work, we get a meta-textual peek behind the creative curtain, wherein the creator actually appears on panel alongside the characters.Morrison has done it before, of course, most notably in his Animal Man run, after Buddy Baker’s wife and kids are killed. Baker traverses comic book limbo to find a man he’s told can help him–only to discover that the man is Morrison himself, who sits down, talks about the meaning of the universe with Buddy, explains that he’s just a comic book character who can be written to do all manner of things–and then saves the day.Sorry, spoilers. But really, you’ve had twenty-five years or so.
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