
Square Enix Showcases New Footage Of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age

and the audio and voice acting, though it is the same cast as the original. For fans who missed […]

While the announcement for Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age actually happened before E3, Square Enix still demonstrated an ample amount of new footage at the annual show.

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The game (which starts at the 2:58:22 mark) makes a stellar first impression, and as they mention during the video, the game actually looks as good as you remember, mostly due to the graphical upgrade it received. You can especially notice the visual improvements in the characters’ hair and armor.

The developers are making some modern tweaks to enable the game to be enjoyed in shorter doses. Many gamers don’t have the time to sit and enjoy an RPG in 4 to 5-hour chunks anymore, and the new speed options should help mitigate that. In the finished game, there will be 2x and 4x speed increase options, which will speed up character movements, actions, and overall combat.

When combined with the new autosave feature, which will save at a constant pace throughout not only story sequences but right before and after battles, it should allow time crunched fans to still derive enjoyment from the game.

The team has also updated small things, like the map system (which now has an overlay mode) and the audio and voice acting, though it is the same cast as the original.

For fans who missed out the first time around, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a perfect opportunity to experience one of the better entries in the franchise.