
Stephen King Issues Apology For Mocking Republicans Involved In Train Wreck

Author of ‘It’, ‘The Stand’ and dozens more is known for his best-selling novels and short stories […]

Author of ‘It’, ‘The Stand’ and dozens more is known for his best-selling novels and short stories that are so often turned into blockbuster films. That’s obvious. But over the last couple of years he’s also become known for his tweets.

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His latest set of tweets walk the line, even for some that support his politics. After a train carrying Republican members of Congress and their families collided with a garbage truck on their way out of Washington several people were injured and one was even killed. As a writer of dark fiction the metaphor of a train wreck caused by a garbage truck was too much.

King tweeted out “A trainload of Republicans on their way to a pricey retreat hit a garbage truck. My friend Russ calls that karma.” After reports that the truck driver died came to light he followed that one with “Of COURSE sorry the truck driver died.”

He quickly followed up both of these tweets with a clarifying apology. “A rather thoughtless tweet from me concerning the train-truck crash, for which I apologize (if one is necessary). It should be pointed out, too, that those Republican politicians, who can be heartless when they vote, immediately got out to help.”

King retweeted a gofundme page link that is meant to support the man that died in the trainwreck before moving on.

This isn’t the first time (and likely won’t be the last) that King has gotten into the mix of it on political twitter. Back in August of 2017, after several tweet-fests against President Trump and the Republican Party, Trump blocked the author like he has with many others. There’s even a lawsuit currently in the works against the former reality star turned President. King after realizing that the President blocked him on the social media site tweetedDonald Trump blocked me on Twitter. I am hereby blocking him from seeing IT or MR. MERCEDES. No clowns for you, Donald. Go float yourself.”

It (2017)2017

It (2017)2017

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