The first episode of CBS’s Supergirl, which premiered last week, seemed to be setting up a love triangle between Winn Schott, Kara Danvers/Supergirl and James Olsen, Superman’s pal and a transplant from Metropolis.
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Well, according to actor Mehcad Brooks, who plays Olsen, it might be a long shot to get Kara and James together.
“If your best friend is Superman, there’s a bro code you do not cross,” Brooks told CBS’s The Talk during an interview that aired earlier today. “I mean, you can’t just move from Metropolis to National City and hit on his cousin, ’cause you can get heat vision that way.”
You can see the clip embedded below.
Supergirl‘s next episode sees her squaring off with Reactron, while Maxwell Lord skulks around behind the scenes.
Supergirl airs on Monday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.