
The Vibe Creative Team Talk Retooling the Character for the New 52 and Next Week’s Cliffhanger

How does a smaller title survive in the event-driven DC and Marvel Comics marketplace?Well, it’s […]

How does a smaller title survive in the event-driven DC and Marvel Comics marketplace?Well, it’s tough, but Sterling Gates has had support from editorial and from fans on Justice League of America’s Vibe. The story, which explores some lower-tier heroes in the DC Universe but does so with massive scale and consequence, will release its seventh issue next week–and then take two months to come back again because Vibe doesn’t have his own Villains’ Month title. How does the creative team cope with that? They joined us for a conversation about what makes the book so fun, so appealing to work on and, of course, how they hope to recapture everyone’s attention after the time away.Spoiler alert: It’s because next week’s issue is This is a book that opened with a lot of fanfare and that feels like it’s had a bunch of creative changes in a fairly short period of time. Is it nice to be able to say that you’re the stable part of the organization?Sterling Gates: I don’t know that I’ve ever put it that way, but I came on at issue 3 and I guess issue 6 just came out–we’re working hard to tell a really great story in the book and I appreciate being able to tell a longer form story over those six or seven issues. I think we’re telling a really fun story about characters who don’t normally get a spotlight shone on them. Vibe and Gypsy are two sort of mainstays in the book with a guy named Dale Gunn. They’re all old Justice League Detroit members if you remember that era of Justice League, and we’re trying to update them and make them relevant within the confines of the DCU as it is now in the New 52.


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