MyNetworkTV has acquired the syndication rights to The Walking Dead, according to Deadline. The show will make its MyNetworkTV debut this fall, with two episodes from the show’s first three seasons airing back-to-back, one night a week. MyNetWorkTV is expected to gain the rights to later seasons as the show progresses.”This agreement extends the reach of the number one show on television among adults 18-49 by giving viewers primetime access to The Walking Dead with back-to-back episodes on broadcast television one night a week,” said AMC president Charlie Collier. “The Walking Dead has grown in each of its first four seasons on AMC, and we look forward to exposing this compelling story and these unforgettable characters to new fans on MyNetworkTV.”The Walking Dead will easily become the biggest show airing on MyNetworkTV, which currently airs reruns of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, House, Bones, and Monk.”It’s not often you get to add the hottest show on the planet to your lineup,” Frank Cicha of the Fox TV Stations said. ” We just did, and it’s a tremendous get for our stations.”New episodes of The Walking Dead air Sunday nights on AMC.
The Walking Dead To Be Syndicated On MyNetworkTV
MyNetworkTV has acquired the syndication rights to The Walking Dead, according to Deadline. The […]