Every Monday on Conan, the TBS late night comedy show hosted by Conan O’Brien, the host takes on YouTube submissions from fans who attempt a game of “Stump Conan and Andy” by trying to point out factual errors made during interviews and sketches on the series.This week’s episode, which aired last night, featured Conan poking fun at a fan of The Walking Dead and then screening a purported “deleted scene” from the first season of the series.The fan’s concern was that O’Brien, seeing zombies in riot gear in The Walking Dead‘s season premiere, said something about zombies being suddenly more able to defend themselves. The fan pointed out that the prison guards had died in the riot gear, and the zombies hadn’t figured out how to put it on at all and were incapable of learning something like that — which led to the scene.
The Walking Dead/Conan O’Brien/Flex Mentallo Crossover You Didn’t Know You Wanted
Every Monday on Conan, the TBS late night comedy show hosted by Conan O’Brien, the host takes on […]